“Tasty Dog Diner” introduced. A small and efficient quick-stop diner that was sold in the South between 1959-1966. |
Designed and manufactured modular diners for a government-sponsored business development program. |
Designed and manufactured “America Way Diners” for interstate highway locations for the Amoco Oil Company. |
Designed and manufactured “Golden Shell Diners” for the Shell Oil Company. |
Continued to be a source for modular diners even during a down period for diner growth and expansion. |
Designed “Happy Days Diners” during the rebirth period of diner growth and expansion. |
Designed state-of-the-art modular “Diner-Mite Diners.” They featured All-Steel Construction, Concrete Floor, and an All-Stainless Steel Exterior. |
“Diner-Mite Diners” are sold and placed throughout the United Kingdom.
Chosen by Neiman-Marcus as the only diner company in the world to design and build a unique “Personal Party Diner” offered as a featured item in their famous “Christmas Gift Catalog.” The Diner was highlighted in over 250 newspaper and magazines, as well as some of the most-popular TV news/talk shows. |
Introduced the Silver Eagle Diner, a 60-seat Stainless Steel diner with Vestibule, at an affordable price. Designed the first Checkers Diner with indoor seating and drive thru window service. |
Introduced the Silver Spoon Diner, an 80-seat Stainless Steel diner with Vestibule, Back Kitchen with pass-thru window, and Storage Room. Also introduced the Silver Star Diner, a 40-seat Stainless Steel Diner with Vestibule. |
Introduced the 93-seat Dinermite Classic. e-introduced the Tasty Dog Diner, a specialized, lower-cost diner first offered in 1959. |
Introduced the American Liberty Belle, a walk-up/drive-up modular diner. A Hershey’s Ice Cream upgrade is available without franchising or marketing fees. |
Re-Introduced the Happy Days Diners line of Low-Cost Diners. Learn more at www.DinerConcepts.com
2004 |
Introduced the Sabrett Hot Dog Diner and the Sabrett Deli Diner featuring New York’s #1 Hot Dog. No franchise or licensing fees for these exciting diners. |
2005 |
Introduced double drive-thru, freestanding and mobile coffee diners. |